Monday 4 October 2010

My interpretation Hamlet at the end of Act 2

Hamlet appears to be quite a deep character..... traumatised in a way by the loss of his father caused by his uncle, he's dealing with a lots of emotions. In a way i think the way he has processed information and delt with what has happened very well; hes very perceptive of others and manipulative/misleading. its very clever how he is trapping Claudius by using a play to find out how he will react when the events are acted out in front of his eyes..... its deceptive and cunning; how would you really deal with the news from the ghost of his father? you cannot just confront him because Claudius is hardly going to admit it outright and he could also be done for treason if he accused the king of such accusations.However i don't think it was very smart of Hamlet to pretend he was mad to others, however one question this raises is if his lunacy is actually put on or is it real?. the mentality of Hamlet is very fragile to begin with and with the added news it's gonna leave him with many hard situations to overcome.... should he avenge his father (the initial idea) how does he go about this? part of me pities Hamlet and thinks he is strongwilled and an exceedingly good thinker, but are his methods quite cowardly;he uses brains over brawns like his father would have done, but is this because he is scared of confrontation? He leaves many questions open to interpretation


  1. Hamlet kind of has to be a deep character in order to express his true deep feelings, I think any character would be traumatised after finding out their uncle who is now married to their mother murdered their father. I disagree with the fact that you think that Hamlet can trap Claudius because he may be very good at hiding his emotions and this maybe difficult for Hamlet to identify whether the ghost is telling the truth. I think Hamlet acting mad was kind of done for a cover so if the revenge goes as far as murder people would just forget about it and take it as Hamlet being mad and get him help, however because Hamlet is the air of the thrown he won't get it if he is completly mad.

    Well done smelly :)

  2. I agree with you that Hamlet is being manipulative and clever by seeing how Claudius will re-act to the secne in his play - this will give Hamlet clear evidence to use against Cladius, instead of suddenly pointing fingers and facing possibly punishment, as you said. Weather he is actually mad is most certainly a mystery, but if he is doing this deliberatly, is it a clever move? could this to be manipulate the likes of Polonius and Claudios, as you said before?

    A very good and thoughtful response. =D

  3. "he uses brains over brawns like his father would have done"
    His father was a soldier...
    I like your comment about Hamlet's fragile mentality, I may have to steal it. I think you are right to pity Hamlet, although he isn't all that naive.

  4. to moyra: i meant he uses brains over brawns... the brawns part was what his father would have done.... i badly worded it haha and thanks for the views
